Step 1: Determine the week of the year
For example, this week is July 13 to July 19. It is the 29th week of the year.
Step 2: Choose a day of the week that is best to make a deposit or do an online transfer
If you know that Sundays are best for you to focus on your money and other personal business choose Sunday. If Wednesdays after work, after volunteering or after the gym are best, choose Wednesdays. Whatever day is best for you. Just remember to stick this day. If you change it from week to week you’ll risk losing your momentum.
Step 3: Open or designate a dedicated savings account
One of the reasons why this strategy is so successful is because you have a specific action to take in a specific account. To see your savings accumulate, from week to week, serves as motivation to keep saving. Having a specific account to do this, versus using your checking account or some other type of account, helps separate your savings from your “operating money” used for bills and monthly expenses. When you co-mingle, or mix these monies, you run the risk of spending your savings and/or losing motivation to save.
Step 4: Make the deposit or transfer
On your chosen day of the week, make a deposit for or transfer the dollar equivalent of the week of the year to your savings account. For example, since we are in the 29th week of the year, you would deposit or transfer $29 for this week.
Step 5: Do it again next week!
Next week, we will be in the 30th week of the year. You will deposit or transfer $30 next week.
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